Farm $MYTV

What are "LP" tokens ?

Liquidity Provider tokens or "LP" tokens are tokens issued to liquidity providers on a decentralized exchange (DEX) that run on an automated market maker (AMM) protocol.

Staking LP tokens to earn further rewards as a way to incentivize LPs to lock their liquidity into pools. This is called “farming.


  • The first liquidity pool is MYTV / BNB (trading pair)

  • Make sure you have MYTV and BNB tokens in your wallet

To get your LP Tokens, you'll need to provide liquidity for that trading pair at an instant 1:1 ratio

How to get "LP" tokens ?

  • Add the amount of BNB and MYTV you want to provide to the liquidity pool

Note: For the first use, you'll have to "Enable" the LP contract and confirm the transaction

  • Add "Supply" to the liquidity pool and confirm the transaction

  • You will share a certain % of the liquidity pool and get a certain amount of BNB/MYTV Pool Tokens called "LP Tokens" (0.0000000138998 LP Tokens in the example above)

Note: You can add "0x4b205ECF6c71C8731142382BE4d923d302738B56" LP contract address in your wallet to see the LP tokens balance (Don't worry if you see "Cake-LP", it's a bug display)

How to stake "LP" tokens ?


  • APY = Annual Percentage Yield (compound) - 245687%

Example (245687%) - If you stake 100$ worth of LP tokens, and if you compound your rewards every 3 seconds (time block) you'll earn 245587$ net worth of LP tokens in a year (clearly unreachable).

  • APR = Annual Percentage Rate (strict) - (550%)

Example (550%) - You stake 100$ worth of LP tokens, you'll earn 450$ net worth of LP tokens in a year.

  • TVL = Net value ($) in the farming pool (BNB + MYTV)

Stake your LP tokens and farm $MYTV

  • Click on "FARM"

  • Input the amount of LP tokens you want to add to the farming pool

  • "APPROVE" the Farming pool contract and confirm the transaction

  • Finally click on "FARM" to send your tokens in the farming pool

Last updated